Home Local News Sri Lanka’s tourism sector surges with over half a million tourist arrivals...

Sri Lanka’s tourism sector surges with over half a million tourist arrivals in the first half of 2023


The tourism sector shows promising signs of recovery as provisional data from the Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) reveals that the Sri Lanka has welcomed a total of 61,183 tourists in the first 20 days of June.

This figure represents 70 percent of the month’s target of 87,521 international visitors. With an average daily arrival rate of 3,059, Sri Lanka is steadily regaining its popularity among global travelers.

According to SLTDA data, India continues to be the leading source of tourists, constituting 28 percent of the total arrivals, while Russiafollows at 9 percent and the United Kingdomat 7 percent. Notably, China has ascended to become the country’s fifth largest tourist market.

From 1st January to 20th June, Sri Lanka has seen a cumulative total of 585,669 tourists, signaling positive growth in the sector.