Home Local News Jaffna Peninsula tourism areas under threat:CCIY

Jaffna Peninsula tourism areas under threat:CCIY


Amidst the Indian Government giving a sector grant of $ 11 million for the construction of hybrid renewable energy systems in small islets of Jaffna, Chamber  of Commerce and Industries of Yalpanam (CCIY) says it is a threat to the major tourism areas and the migrating birds of Jaffna, The Daily Morning Business learnt.

Speaking to The Daily Morning Business, CCIY Executive Director Dr. V. K. Vignesh said: “ We really appreciate the renewable energy project. Yet, there are some concerns about the areas they have identified for the project which primarily comes under tourism. Moreover, it’s going to be another project initiation that disrupts the migrant birds. Similarly like Hambantota airport.

He pointed out that we are giving more priority to developing the tourism industry. Yet our tourism areas are  going to trap under the turbines and all the windmills.

“I think closer to 300m we can’t use it for any purpose. Those areas especially have the nice beaches from the Pooneryn area to Puttalam area.

Therefore, if these turbines are going to capture those areas, it’s very difficult to promote those beautiful landscapes,” he said.

According to CCIY, they consider the hybrid renewable energy project as the next level of the economic development and their needs.This is the essential one. Either they have to adapt or discontinue the project.

Moreover, the villagers are also unhappy with the project since the turbines are going to affect the entire setup of these villages.

He also highlighted the benefits of implementing this project, that the country will be able to provide sustainable energy to the country as the country is undergoing a huge shortage.

He added, “Moreover, our contribution to the GDP will be increased by this. New employment opportunities will be created. At the very least, the vast resource that surrounds coastal areas will be used for the production of renewable energy.

The Indian Government has approved the provision of a $ 11 million sector grant to the Government of Sri Lanka for the purpose of giving electricity to the people living in the Jaffna peninsula’s Delft, Nainathivu, and Analathivu islands.

As a result, only Indian contractors have been invited to submit bids in order to carry out the project in accordance with the terms of the agreement of understanding signed.