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SLTDA to strengthen ‘homestay’ tourism


Amidst the demand Sri Lanka tourism is picking up, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA) is streamlining and strengthening the operation of the homestay segment.

Chairman of SLTDA Priantha Fernando said: “ 23% of accommodation sector establishments registered are homestays. Quantitatively, I think there are about 3,100 registered homestays already.

Moreover, this will encourage the informal sector to come and register with the SLTDA so that they will also be able to benefit through different training programmes that are being carried out with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) across the country.”

He added that the SLTDA is coming up with an online training platform that would allow interested entrepreneurs to attend sessions at their own pace and then at the end of it, sit for an examination and receive certification.

Additionally, it is a matter of strengthening the segment because the demand is picking up. There will be more people occupying homestays. Therefore, the country has to maintain overall standards such as creating greater awareness of how they should interact with the foreigners, their positives and negatives, so that the community is well aware, Fernando elaborated.

According to SLTDA, the homestay concept has been in existence for a few years in Sri Lanka. Yet, if the country does not maintain the standards and performance, it can have a negative impact on the overall image of the country.